Thrive! in 25
Sometimes the hardest part about being a writer is the actual writing. Thrive in 25 is your productivity group helping you get words on the page!
Why 25?
Sitting around and waiting to be inspired only leads to one thing... a blank page.
in 2025, writing a little and often, even when you're not "feeling it" will turn writing and creating from a hobby into a habit and see you finishing that novel much quicker than waiting for your muse to visit to stoke your imagination.
All we ask is that you stay with us along this ride. It'll be worth it!
Writing can be a lonely existence, and that's why we hope to create a fantastic community of writers here.
You are not alone, so come and join us inside our Indie Author Roadmap Facebook Group, sign up for our newsletter, and follow our socials.
Lets build this community together and together Thrive in 2025!
The Numbers
Ironically, writing really is a numbers game, and it's really very simple.
In 2025 we want you to write for a minimum of 25 minutes a day.
If you managed just 500 words in the time you'd usually sit down for a coffee break, within a year this would happen:
500 words x 365 days = 182,500 words.
That's 2 full length novels a year!
This Is Your Year!
Whether you're still writing your first book, or you're in the middle of your 50th, the act of writing remains the same, you need to get those words down.​
Having a group of like minded scribblers cheering you on from the sidelines can really make the difference to your productivity, and at Thrive in 25 we are all about that. We're all here doing the same thing, creating worlds with our words and watching our books fly!
Join us below for episode alerts, and become a member of our THRIVE IN 25 group.